Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The caring hand by Eva Oertli and Beat Huber

You can see this beautiful hand sculpture in Switzerland, Glarus. 

Click here: SOLVE THE PUZZLE :) 

I did it in 4 minutes and 59 seconds. What is your score? 

And there are more around the world, different sculptors, different stories. I would like to see them all...someday. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Black Diamond, Copenhagen

The Royal Library, National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library

I remember the time when I used to go to the public library in my home town to borrow books. Even though my parents had at that time an impressive home library, I've waited so anxiously for the limit of age that allowed me to borrow books from the library. And when the time came, I proudly crossed the doorstep. I remember the cramped dark corridors, the silence of the hall and the smell of the books. I always respected what the librarian lady said to all of us children with a severe voice "do not write on the books and bring them back in time", but I always searched from the small notes left by other readers on the pages of the books... 

I grew up and I forgot about all the mixed feelings that a small public library can give you. Now I buy my own books or borrow them from my friends and I visit public libraries that impress me not by their books or specific old smell of the books but for their architecture and style.

One of them is The Royal Danish Library with a brilliant architecture, a classy old library built in 1906 and a "black diamond" extension building finished in 1999. I was impressed by the exterior facade of the building that seems to lean over the sea. The name of the building is a perfect match for it. During day time, the water and the sky beautifully reflect in its windows creating a life size painting effect. At night, you cannot miss the structure if you pass near by or even from the distance, the black marble work of art absolutely shines.   

The building is connected with the original library by three bridges on different levels.

The building is also the home for the National Museum of Photography, has a nice restaurant and a café, a bookshop and houses the Queen Hall designed as a space for concerts, lectures, film screenings or theatre. 

"We are drawn to these projects for their potential to engage the public and not only to give cultural and social life to their cities and towns but also for their ability to work as an accelerator for learning and knowledge", founding partner Bjarne Hammer. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Make up, don't break up, Bonnie Eaker Weil

"Don't confuse passion with intimacy. Passion develops fast, then levels off. Physical attraction is the strongest part of passion. Intimacy begins slowly and accelerates with time. Mental and emotional attraction is the strongest part of intimacy."

 "Here's what men in my seminars say about why they don't call when they say they will:
    The Number One Answer
    The day after the date or when you first meet is too soon. The next day still feels too aggressive and desperate. The third day is the turning point. If four days go by, I start thinking she might bitch at me by now, since it's been four days. By the fifth day, I feel too guilty. I know she'll ne mad, so why call?
     Other Answers
  • She was so intense, I told her I'd call so she'd leave me alone
  • I need time to think
  • I might just want to be friends
  • It seems like she's looking for a husband
  • I want her to like me for who I am and she seemed more interested in what I do
  • She wants to have kids. I'm not even ready to be a husband, let alone a dad
  • I wanted to see if she'd call me
  • I don't want her to think she's got me wrapped around her little finger
  • What if she says no
  • I like her too much
  • I was just being polite"

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

House of Amber, Copenhagen

I don't know if there is any woman in this world who doesn't like jewelry... it's never enough and it constantly appears in our lives over and over again as a symbol of friendship, love or simply because we love ourselves so much that, from time to time, we cannot refuse us such gift. Fragile, discreet, shiny or opulent, inspired by all the beauty in this world, we all want it. And even when you cannot afford it, you're still allowed to "flirt" with it by trying it and that is exactly what I did in House of Amber in Copenhagen. Founded in 1933 by Dane Einer Fehrn, nowadays the House of Amber shop can be found in several cities such as Stockholm, Beijing, Honk Kong, Dubai and so on.

Between 30 and 50 million years old, in different colors from milky white and pale yellow to dark red, the amber is not a stone in fact, but a petrified resin from prehistoric trees. Its color depends of the environment, light, heat, moisture and oxidation. It may also contain small insects and plants and these pieces, as veritable time capsules, are really valued by collectors.

I even found out that amber from the tropical areas of South America, so called young amber (up to 4 million years old) has a clear green color. This type of amber was presented to the world as Caribbean Green Amber and fascinated me from the first moment that I lay eyes on it.

Inspired by nature, architecture, Venetian mirrors, Buddhist beliefs, Earth, gods or even fairy tales etc., the talented Danish designers create for House of Amber exquisite pieces in several collections. You wear them and you "glow from the depth of your soul."  

Amber and fur in Avant Garde Collection

Pure Amber Collection

Caribbean Green Amber

Thursday, October 1, 2015

11th Zurich Film Festival

Between September 24 and October 4 you can enjoy great movies and you can meet fantastic filmmakers at the 11th Zurich Film Festival. 
Last night I saw A Syrian Love Story and I got the chance to take part at an open discussion with the director of the movie, Sean McAllister. 
A Syrian Love Story is a documentary film about two young Syrian people - Amer and Raghda - who met in a prison where they were kept for fighting the political regime. After the release from prison, they started a family (they have four sons) but after several years, the mother ended up behind the bars again for publishing a book about their prison love story and criticizing the oppressive dictatorship.
Sean McAllister stayed with this struggling family for 5 years between and after the unexpected release of Raghda from prison.
The movie is not just a story of love but a story of despair, inner fight and hope. It is not just the story of Amer and Raghda, but the story of a nation and a voice for every refugee in this world.

Next film on my list, a Romanian movie: The Miracle of Tekir. Can't wait to see it.


p.s. Zurich Film Festival launched last year ZFF72, Switzerland's biggest contest of short films. The participants had 72 hours to create a maximum 72 seconds movie. Take a look as well here and vote the film you like on ZFF72